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█?► Bayou Country Superfest - 3 Day Pass Tickets in Baton Rouge, LA in Baton Rouge, Louisiana For Sale

█?► Bayou Country Superfest - 3 Day Pass Tickets in Baton Rouge, LA
Type: Tickets & Traveling, For Sale - Private.

George Strait & Eric Church TICKETS
Tiger Stadium - Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge, LA
Fri, May 23 xxxx
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Chloe did n' keer nuffin fer Hannibal, en had n' keered nuffin fer 'im, en she des ez much sto' by Jeff ez she did de day she fus' laid eyes on 'im. En de mo' fermilyus dis yer Hannibal got, de mo' Chloe let her min' run on Jeff, en one ebenin' she went down de qua'ters en watch', 'tel she got a chance fer talk wid 'im by hisse'f. En she tol' Jeff fer go down en see ole Aun' Peggy, de cunjuh 'oman down by de Wim'l'ton Road, en ax her gib 'im sump'n he'p git Hannibal out'n de big house, so de w'ite folks u'd sen' fer Jeff ag'in. En bein' ez Jeff did n' hab nuffin gib Aun' Peggy, Chloe gun 'im a silber dollah en a silk han'kercher fer pay her wid, fer Aun' Peggy neber lack wuk fer nobody fer nuffin."So Jeff slip' off down Aun' Peggy's one night, en gun 'er de present he brung, en tol' 'er all 'bout 'im en Chloe en Hannibal, en ax' 'er he'p 'im out. Aun' Peggy tol' 'im she 'd wuk 'er roots, en fer 'im come back de nex' night, en she 'd tell 'im w'at she c'd do fer 'im."'Dis yer baby doll,' sez she, 'is Hannibal. Dis yer peth head is Hannibal's head, en dese yer pepper feet is Hannibal's feet. You take dis en hide it unner de house, on de sill unner de do', whar Hannibal 'll hafter walk ober it eve'y day. En ez long ez Hannibal comes anywhar nigh dis baby doll, he'll be des lack it is,?light-headed en hot-footed; en ef dem two things doan git 'im inter trouble mighty soon, den I'm no cunjuh 'oman. But w'en you git Hannibal out'n de house, en git all th'oo wid dis baby doll, you mus' fetch it back me, fer it's monst'us powerful goopher, en is liable make mo' trouble ef you leabe it layin' roun'.'"Well, Jeff tuk de baby doll, en slip' up de big house, en whistle' Chloe, en w'en she come out he tol' 'er w'at ole Aun' Peggy had said. En Chloe showed 'im how git unner de house, en w'en he had put de cunjuh doll on de sill, he went 'long back de qua'ters?en des waited."Nex' day, sho' 'nuff, de goopher 'mence' wuk. Hannibal sta'ted in de house soon in de mawnin' wid a armful er wood make a fire, en he had n' mo' d'n got 'cross de do'-sill befo' his feet begun bu'n so dat he drap' de armful er wood on de flo' en woke ole mis' up a' hour sooner 'n yushal, en co'se ole mis' did n' lack dat, en spoke sha'p erbout it."W'en dinner-time come, en Hannibal wuz help'n' de cook kyar de dinner f'm de kitchen inter de big house, en wuz gittin' close de do' whar he had go in, his feet sta'ted bu'n en his head begun swim, en he let de big dish er chicken en dumplin's fall right down in de dirt, in de middle er de ya'd, en de w'ite folks had make dey dinner dat day off'n col' ham en sweet'n' 'taters."De nex' mawnin' he overslep' hisse'f, en got inter mo' trouble. Atter breakfus', Mars' Dugal' sont 'im ober Mars' Marrabo Utley's fer borry a monkey wrench. He oughter be'n back in ha'f a' hour, but he come pokin' home 'bout dinner-time wid a screw-driver stidder a monkey wrench. Mars' Dugal' sont ernudder back wid de screw-driver, en Hannibal did n' git no dinner. 'Long in de atternoon, ole mis' Hannibal weedin' de flowers in de front gya'den, en Hannibal dug up all de bulbs ole mis' had sont erway fer, en paid a lot er money fer, en tuk 'em down de hawg-pen by de ba'nya'd, en fed 'em de hawgs. Wen ole mis' come out in de cool er de ebenin', en seed w'at Hannibal had done, she wuz mos' crazy, en she wrote a note en sont Hannibal down de oberseah wid it."But w'at Hannibal got fum de oberseah did n' 'pear do no good. Eve'y now en den 'is feet 'd 'mence torment 'im, en 'is min' 'u'd git all mix' up, en his conduc' kep' gittin' wusser en wusser, 'tel fin'lly de w'ite folks could n' stan' it no longer, en Mars' Dugal' tuk Hannibal back down de qua'ters."'Mr. Smif,' sez Mars' Dugal' de oberseah, 'dis yer has done got so triflin' yer lately dat we can't keep 'im at de house no mo', en I 's h' 'im you be straighten' up. You 's had 'casion deal wid 'im once, so he knows w'at expec'. You des take 'im in han', en lemme know how he tu'ns out. En w'en de han's comes in fum de fiel' dis ebenin' you kin sen' dat yaller Jeff up de house. I 'll try 'im, en see ef he's any better 'n Hannibal.'"So Jeff went up de big house, en pleas' Mars' Dugal' en ole mis' en de res' er de fambly so well dat dey all got lackin' 'im fus'rate; en dey 'd 'a' fergot all 'bout Hannibal, ef it had n' be'n fer de bad repo'ts w'at come up fum de qua'ters 'bout 'im fer a mont' er so. Fac' is, dat Chloe en Jeff wuz so int'rusted in one ernudder sence Jeff be'n up de house, dat dey fergot all 'bout takin' de baby doll back Aun' Peggy, en it kep' wukkin' fer a w'ile, en makin' Hannibal's feet bu'n mo' er less, 'tel all de folks on de plantation got callin' 'im Hot-Foot Hannibal. He kep' gittin' mo' en mo' triflin', 'tel he got de name er bein' de mos' no 'countes' on de plantation, en Mars' Dugal' had th'eaten sell 'im in de spring, w'en bimeby de goopher quit wukkin', en Hannibal 'mence' pick up some en make folks set a little mo' sto' by 'im."Now, dis yer Hannibal was a monst'us sma't , en w'en he got rid er dem so' feet, his min' kep' runnin' on 'is udder troubles. Heah th'ee er fo' weeks befo' he 'd had a' easy job, waitin' on de w'ite folks, libbin' off'n de fat er de lan', en promus' de fines' gal on de plantation fer a wife in de spring, en now heah he wuz back in de co'n-fiel, wid de oberseah a-cussin' en a-r'arin' ef he did n' get a ha'd tas' done; wid nuffin but co'n bread en bacon en merlasses eat; en all de fiel'-han's makin' rema'ks, en pokin' fun at 'im 'ca'se he'd be'n sont back fum de big house de fiel'. En de mo' Hannibal studied 'bout it de mo' madder he got, 'tel he fin'lly swo' he wuz gwine git eben wid Jeff en Chloe, ef it wuz de las' ac'."So Hannibal slipped 'way fum de qua'ters one Sunday en hid in de co'n up close de big house, 'tel he see Chloe gwine down de road. He waylaid her, en sezee:?'I 'lows dat's none er yo' bizness, . I doan see w'at 'casion any common fiel'-han' has got mix in wid de 'fairs er folks w'at libs in de big house. But ef it'll do you any good know, I mought say dat me en Jeff is gittin' 'long mighty well, en we gwine git married in de spring, en you ain' gwine be 'vited de weddin' nuther.'No, no!' sezee, 'I would n' 'spec' be 'vited de weddin',?a common, low-down fiel'-han' lack I is. But I's glad heah you en Jeff is gittin' 'long so well. I did n' knowed but w'at he had 'mence' be a little ti'ed.'"'Ti'ed er me? Dat's rediklus!' sez Chloe. 'W'y, dat lubs me so I b'liebe he 'd go th'oo fire en water fer me. Dat is des wrop' up in me.'Uh huh,' sez Hannibal, 'den I reckon it mus' be some udder w'at meets a 'oman down by de crick in de swamp eve'y Sunday ebenin', say nuffin 'bout two er th'ee times a 'Mebbe I is a liah, en mebbe I ain' got good eyes. But 'less'n I is a liah, en 'less'n I ain' got good eyes, Jeff is gwine meet dat 'oman dis ebenin' 'long 'bout eight o'clock right down dere by de crick in de swamp 'bout half-way betwix' dis plantation en Mars' Marrabo Utley's.'"Well, Chloe tol' Hannibal she did n' b'liebe a wo'd he said, en call' 'im a low-down , who wuz tryin' slander Jeff 'ca'se he wuz mo' luckier 'n he wuz. But all de same, she could n' keep her min' fum runnin' on w'at Hannibal had said. She 'membered she 'd heared one er de s say dey wuz a gal ober at Mars' Marrabo Utley's plantation w'at Jeff use' go wid some befo' he got 'quainted wid Chloe. Den she 'mence' figger back, en sho' 'nuff, dey wuz two er th'ee times in de las' week w'en she 'd be'n he'pin' de ladies wid dey dressin' en udder fixin's in de ebenin', en Jeff mought 'a' gone down de swamp widout her knowin' 'bout it at all. En den she 'mence' 'member little things w'at she had n' tuk no notice of befo', en w'at 'u'd make it 'pear lack Jeff had sump'n on his min'."Chloe set a monst'us heap er sto' by Jeff, en would 'a' done mos' anythin' fer 'im, so long ez he stuck her. But Chloe wuz a mighty jealous 'oman, en w'iles she didn' b'liebe w'at Hannibal said, she seed how it could 'a' be'n so, en she 'termine' fer fin' out fer herse'f whuther it wuz so er no.Now, Chloe had n' seed Jeff all day, fer Mars' Dugal' had sont Jeff ober his daughter's house, young Mis' Ma'g'ret's, w'at libbed 'bout fo' miles fum Mars' Dugal's, en Jeff wuz n' 'spected home 'tel ebenin'. But des atter supper wuz ober, en w'iles de ladies wuz settin' out on de piazzer, Chloe slip' off fum de house en run down de road,?dis yer same road we come; en w'en she got mos' de crick?dis yer same crick right befo' us?she kin' er kep' in de bushes at de side er de road, 'tel fin'lly she seed Jeff settin' on de bank on de udder side er de crick,?right unner dat ole wilier-tree droopin' ober de water yander. En eve'y now en den he 'd git up en look up de road to'ds Mars' Marrabo's on de udder side er de swamp.Fus' Chloe felt lack she 'd go right ober de crick en gib Jeff a piece er her min'. Den she 'lowed she better be sho' befo' she done anythin'. So she helt herse'f in de bes' she could, gittin' madder en madder eve'y minute, 'tel bimeby she seed a 'oman comin' down de road on de udder side fum to'ds Mars' Marrabo Utley's plantation. En w'en she seed Jeff jump up en run to'ds dat 'oman, en th'ow his a'ms roun' her neck, po' Chloe did n' stop see no mo', but des tu'nt roun' en run up de house, en rush' up on de piazzer, en up en tol' Mars' Dugal' en ole mis' all 'bout de baby doll, en all 'bout Jeff gittin' de goopher fum Aun' Peggy, en 'bout w'at de goopher had done Hannibal.'Wat debil's wuk is dis?' sezee. 'No wonder de po' 's feet eetched. Sump'n got be done l'arn dat ole witch keep her han's off'n my s. En ez fer dis yer Jeff, I'm gwine do des w'at I promus', so de darkies on dis plantation'll know I means w'at I sez.'"Fer Mars' Dugal' had warned de han's befo' 'bout foolin' wid cunju'ation; fac', he had los' one er two s his-se'f fum dey bein' goophered, en he would 'a' had ole Aun' Peggy whip' long ago, on'y Aun' Peggy wuz a free 'oman, en he wuz 'feard she 'd cunjuh him. En w'iles Mars' Dugal' say he did n' b'liebe in cunj'in' en sich, he 'peared 'low it wuz bes' be on de safe side, en let Aun' Peggy alone."So Mars' Dugal' done des ez he say. Ef ole mis' had ple'd fer Jeff, he mought 'a' kep' 'im. But ole mis' had n' got ober losin' dem bulbs yit, en she neber said a wo'd. Mars' Dugal' tuk Jeff town nex' day en' sol' 'im a spekilater, who sta'ted down de ribber wid 'im nex' mawnin' on a steamboat, fer take 'im Alabama.Now, w'en Chloe tol' ole Mars' Dugal' 'bout dis yer baby doll en dis udder goopher, she had n' ha'dly 'lowed Mars' Dugal' would sell Jeff down Souf. Howsomeber, she wuz so mad wid Jeff dat she 'suaded herse'f she did n' keer; en so she hilt her head up en went roun' lookin' lack she wuz rale glad 'bout it. But one day she wuz walkin' down de road, w'en who sh'd come 'long but dis yer Hannibal."W'en Hannibal seed 'er, he bus' out laffin' fittin' fer kill: 'Yah, yah, yah! ho, ho, ho! ha, ha, ha! Oh, hol' me, honey, hol' me, er I'll laf myse'f def. I ain' nebber laf' so much sence I be'n bawn.'"'Wat do I mean? I means dat I got squared up wid you fer treatin' me de way you done, en I got eben wid dat yaller Jeff fer cuttin' me out. Now, he's gwine know w'at it is eat co'n bread en merlasses once mo', en wuk fum daylight da'k, en hab a oberseah dribin' 'im fum one day's een' de udder. I means dat I sont wo'd Jeff dat Sunday dat you wuz gwine be ober Mars' Marrabo's visitin' dat ebenin', en you want 'im meet you down by de crick on de way home en go de rest er de road wid you. En den I put on a frock en a sunbonnet, en fix' myse'f up look lack a 'oman; en w'en Jeff seed me comin', he run meet me, en you seed 'im,?fer I 'd be'n watchin' in de bushes befo' en 'skivered you comin' down de road. En now I reckon you en Jeff bofe knows w'at it means mess wid a lack me.'"Po' Chloe had n' heared mo' d'n half er de las' part er w'at Hannibal said, but she had heared 'nuff to l'arn dat dis had fooled her en Jeff, en dat po' Jeff had n' done nuffin, en dat fer lovin' her too much en goin' meet her she had cause' 'im be sol' erway whar she 'd neber, neber see 'im no mo'. De sun mought shine by day, de moon by night, de flowers mought bloom, en de mawkin'-birds mought sing, but po' Jeff wuz done los' her fereber en fereber."Hannibal had n' mo' d'n finish' w'at he had say, w'en Chloe's knees gun 'way unner her, en she fell down in de road, en lay dere half a' hour er so befo' she come to. W'en she did, she crep' up de house des ez pale ez a ghos'. En fer a mont' er so she crawled roun' de house, en 'peared be so po'ly dat Mars' Dugal' sont fer a doctor; en de doctor kep' on axin' her questions 'tel he foun' she wuz des pinin' erway fer Jeff.Wen he tol' Mars' Dugal', Mars' Dugal' lafft, en said he 'd fix dat. She could hab de noo house boy fer a husban'. But ole mis' say, no, Chloe ain' dat kin'er gal, en dat Mars' Dugal' sh'd buy Jeff back."So Mars' Dugal' writ a letter dis yer spekilater down Wim'l'ton, en tol' ef he ain' done sol' dat Souf w'at he bought fum 'im, he'd lack buy 'im back ag'in. Chloe 'mence' pick up a little w'en ole mis' tol' her 'bout dis letter. Howsomeber, bimeby Mars' Dugal' got a' answer fum de spekilater, who said he wuz monst'us sorry, but Jeff had fell ove'boa'd er jumped off'n de steamboat on de way Wim'l'ton, en got drownded, en co'se he could n' sell 'im back, much ez he'd lack 'bleedge Mars' Dugal'.Well, atter Chloe heared dis, she wa'n't much mo' use nobody. She pu'tended do her wuk, en ole mis' put up wid her, en had de doctor gib her medicine, en let 'er go de circus, en all so'ts er things fer take her min' off'n her troubles. But dey did n' none un 'em do no good. Chloe got slippin' down here in de ebenin' des lack she 'uz comin' meet Jeff, en she 'd set dere unner dat wilier-tree on de udder side, en wait fer 'im, night atter night. Bimeby she got so bad de w'ite folks sont her ober young Mis' Ma'g'ret's fer gib her a change; but she runned erway de fus' night, en w'en dey looked fer 'er nex' mawnin', dey foun' her co'pse layin' in de branch yander, right 'cross fum whar we 're settin' now."Eber sence den," said Julius in conclusion, "Chloe's ha'nt comes eve'y ebenin' en sets down unner dat willer-tree en waits fer Jeff, er e'se walks up en down de road yander, lookin' en lookin', en waitin' en waitin', fer her sweethea't w'at ain' neber, neber come back her no mo'."When we had reached the main road and had proceeded along it for a short distance, we met a cart driven by a young negro, and on the cart were a trunk and a valise. We recognized the man as Malcolm Murchison's servant, and drew up a moment to speak to him."Young Mistah Ma'colm gwine 'way on de boat Noo Yo'k dis ebenin', suh, en I'm takin' his things down de wharf, suh."He's comin' 'long behin', suh, en I 'spec's you'll meet 'im up de road a piece. He 's gwine walk down ez fur ez Mistah Jim Williams's, en take de buggy fum dere town. He 'spec's be gone a long time, suh, en say prob'ly he ain' neber comin' back."The man drove on. There were a few words exchanged in an undertone between my wife and Mabel, which I did not catch. Then Annie said: "Julius, you may stop the rockaway a moment. There are some trumpet-flowers by the road there that I want. Will you get them for me, John?"Julius got down and went back for the fan. He was an unconscionably long time finding it. After we got started again we had gone only a little way, when we saw Mabel and young Murchison coming toward us. They were walking arm in arm, and their faces were aglow with the light of loveI do not know whether or not Julius had a previous understanding with Malcolm Murchison by which he was to drive us round by the long road that day, nor do I know exactly what motive influenced the old man's exertions in the matter. He was fond of Mabel, but I was old enough, and knew Julius well enough, to be skeptical of his motives. It is certain that a most excellent understanding existed between him and Murchison after the reconciliation, and that when the young people set up housekeeping over at the old Murchison place, Julius had an opportunity to enter their service. For some reason or other, however, he preferred to remain with us. The mare, I might add, was never known to balk againOn the northeast corner of my vineyard in central North Carolina, and fronting on the Lumberton plank-road, there stood a small frame house, of the simplest construction. It was built of pine lumber, and contained but one room, to which one window gave light and one door admission. Its weather-beaten sides revealed a virgin innocence of paint. Against one end of the house, and occupying half its width, there stood a huge brick chimney: the crumbling mortar had left large cracks between the bricks; the bricks themselves had begun to scale off in large flakes, leaving the chimney sprinkled with unsightly blotches. These evidences of decay were but partially concealed by a creeping vine, which extended its slender branches hither and thither in an ambitious but futile attempt to cover the whole chimney. The wooden shutter, which had once protected the unglazed window, had fallen from its hinges, and lay rotting in the rank grass and jimson- weeds beneath. This building, I learned when I bought the place, had been used as a school-house for several years prior to the breaking out of the war, since which time it had remained unoccupied, save when some stray cow or vagrant hog had sought shelter within its walls from the chill rains and nipping winds of winter.One day my wife requested me to build her a new kitchen. The house erected by us, when we first came to live upon the vineyard, contained a very conveniently arranged kitchen; but for some occult reason my wife wanted a kitchen in the back yard, apart from the dwelling-house, after the usual Southern fashion. Of course I had to build it.
• Location: Baton Rouge
• Post ID: xxxx005 batonrouge
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