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speak and learn other language with speechtrans in Baton Rouge, Louisiana For Sale

Price: $19
Type: Computer, For Sale - Private.

The app will run you $19.99 up front but includes 400 pre-loaded transcriptions. After you’ve used them all up you’ll have to purchase more as an in app purchase. But if does offer free unlimited Text to Speech translations. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
100 Bonus Transcriptions to anyone who uses Facebook Suggest Friends Feature inside the App.
click me
SpeechTrans has 19 languages with bi-directional speech recogniton with 28 total languages:
English (American, British, or Australian)/ EU French,Canadian French/ Italian,German,Spanish (EU, US, MX), Korean, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Russian, Danish, Japanese.Its outputs include all those languages, and Portuguese ,Polish,Arabic, Czech, Greek,Finnish, Haitian Creole, Hungarian,Turkish.

State: Louisiana  City: Baton Rouge  Category: Computer
Computer in Louisiana for sale

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